Flux in team Colosseumweg Feyenoord City
In collaboration with Orange architects and commissioned by AM and Heijmans, Flux will work on the design of three building blocks in the urban plan Feyenoord City.
Image: Orange architects
In collaboration with Orange architects and commissioned by AM and Heijmans, Flux will work on the design of three building blocks in the urban plan Feyenoord City.
Image: Orange architects
Commissioned by the Provincial Advisor Spatial Quality (PARK) Noël van Dooren, of the Province of Zuid-Holland, Flux conducted a design research into the changing use of the public space during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings have both been translated into interventions and improvements during a pandemic as well into long term goals for the improvement of the public space in the Province. The design research Towards a Resilient Public Space shows that interventions on short term, often can be used as catalyst for improvements on the long term. With a firm and connected green-structure we will be better prepared on a following pandemic and furthermore an attractive public space shall ensure positive health effects and can thereby be seen as an important preventive measure. Flux proposes, in the design research, to take the green-structure from street to the countryside in consideration, to make the streets greener, the countryside better and more widely accessible, to activate unused green in post-war districts and to zone our cityparks in a better way, so that we can absorb peaks in use. Urhahn has, as part of the project, been working on a research into changes of our work environment.
Would you like to know more? Take a look at the projectpage:
After corona
Or take a look into the report of the research:
Towards a Resilient Public Space
In the past months the Flux-team has grown, we now have 4 new team members: landscape architect Inge Kersten, architect and urban designer Elisa Boscarato, landscape designer Coen Pronk and architect and urban Nur Zayat. Flux is a multidisciplinary office of 18 people with different designing backgrounds.
Photos by Mark Prins
Three new residential buildings have been delivered on the NPD-strip in the neighborhood Overvecht, in Utrecht. The three buildings, forming DeBuurt (The Neighborhood) together, accommodate 343 energy-efficient rental houses. Commissioned by AM Flux has designed three courtyards for the residential buildings. The gardens of the courtyards each have their own appearance and character, in which the resident is invited to encounter and to be outside. The public space around the buildings is designed by Flux and was commissioned by the municipality of Utrecht. The space connects a lively plinth with entrances and various cultural facilities. In the public space a transition arises between the more urban side (which is located directly next to the shopping centre of Overvecht) and the other side, which lies on important green structures in Overvecht.
Commissioned by the municipality of Utrecht (public space) and commissioned by AM (courtyards)
In collaboration with NL architects, Paul de Ruiter architects, Studioninedots
Image: Ossip van Duivenbode
Flux has worked on the HWBP project book 2022 and conducted a design study into dikes and biodiversity. Biodiversity is an important theme for the HWBP Program. That is why the designers of Flux landscape architecture were asked to take a fresh look at this theme. In the design study, they have explored the impact of the broad concept of biodiversity and sketch possible scenarios for a biodiverse dike of the future. In collaboration with graphic designers Koehorst in't Veld and copywriter Sofia Opfer.
As part of a selection procedure, commissioned by the municipality of Apeldoorn, Flux has developed a spatial vision for the main street of Apeldoorn. In the vision the main street will be developed into an attractive green line from station to Palace Het Loo with park-like qualities. The new Parkstreet will have a high residential quality, aims at forms of slow traffic and through a maximum green design, there will be space for nature and water retention.
Gerwin de Vries of Flux has been in the news of RTV Utrecht and on the radio to talk about the project Utrechts Heuvelland. Flux has developed a spatial future perspective for the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, commissioned by the National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug, the municipality of Amersfoort and the Provincial Advisor Spatial Quality Paul Roncken. The project is part of the design research Holtland, a design research into new forms of forests in the Netherlands.
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Flux has been given the assignment to develop a greenvision on Eindhoven. The vision is being developed to increase the green in the city centre, in which opportunities for biodiversity, climate and mobility are being utilized as much as possible. As development of the greenvision, 10 new green spots will be designed. Commissioned by the municipality of Eindhoven and in collaboration with TU Eindhoven, Acacia Water and Bureau Stadsnatuur.
The city of Utrecht is expanding and dwellings are needed urgently. This task of densification and the construction of new buildings, should be done with high quality. In order to realize this and to prevent delay, the programme Versnelling Woningbouw (Acceleration Housing) has been set up with a network of experts: TEMPO (Team external force to think along professional’s in residential development). This network helps municipalities, housing corporations and inhabitant collectives shortly with initiatives or will think along with a project or area development. Gerwin de Vries is one of the experts of the network TEMPO. TEMPO is multidisciplinary and covers elements that are important in housing development, for example: Design, Sustainability, Nature & Environment and Mobility.
Would you like to know more?
Versnelling woningbouw (Acceleration Housing)
From delay to acceleration (film)
Flux has developed a spatial future perspective for the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, commissioned by the National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug, the municipality of Amersfoort and the Provincial Advisor Spatial Quality Paul Roncken. The project is part of the design research Holtland, a design research into new forms of forests in the Netherlands.
In the vision Utrechts Heuvelland the watersystem is taken as basis for the planning process. Both top, side and edge of the Heuvelrug are part of this system and form the basis for a new future perspective; the Utrechts Heuvelland. A new thickened edge of hedgerows, lanes, forest-rooms and city-forests are forming a gradual transition between the Heuvelrug and the surrounding landscape. This doesn’t only offer opportunities for new forests and recreation, but also enables seepage water to be absorbed quietly instead of quickly draining it. In the edges new forest structures are improving the reachability of the forest from the villages and cities and on the top of the Heuvelrug are opportunities for more nature, diverse deciduous forests and an improved percolation of rainwater. In this way recreation can be absorbed in the edges so that the heart of the Heuvelrug can be relieved. By developing new forests in the edges, there will be directed at strengthening the spatial quality of various landscapes around the Heuvelrug. In addition, the new forest contributes to greater transitions that are involved. In this way the linear forests improve the connection between the city and the country-side, will new forests be part of a sustainable agricultural system in the Gelderse Vallei and will new coppice forests arise in the estate-zone around Langbroek.
The project is part of the project Holtland, a design research into new forms of forests in the Netherlands. Flux sees a high abstraction level in existing researches about forest, without a deeper insight. Therefore, Flux believes that the research into planting forests in the Netherlands is crucial, with focus on diverse forest types, in a strong relation with both current challenges in the Netherlands and a concrete spatial development. The design research consists in three parts: the forest book with forests of the future, several case studies and an alternative forest vision for the Netherlands.
Four case studies have been set up with concrete locations. The stakeholders are: The Province of Utrecht, WWF, Synchroon and Staatsbosbeheer. The project has been financed by Stimuleringsfonds with co-financing of several parties. The focus group for the research exists of Berno strootman (National Advisor Landscape, engaged in the forest strategy of LNV), Kees Hendriks (researcher into forest of Alterra Wageningen) and Martijn Boosten (researcher and advisor at foundation Probos).
Take a look at the results of the case study Forests for Building here. The research into River Forests with the WWF is expected in the beginning of 2022.
Holtland forest research - Utrechts Heuvelland (10 pager)
Holtland forest research - Utrechts Heuvelland