Climate adaptive stations

Over the decades the impact of climate change and extreme weather have increased. Stations are often located in urban areas where there is great pressure on space and where the effects of climate change are already noticeable. Downpours, prolonged heat, persistent drought will have an increasing impact. By now responding to the changing circumstances, we can ensure that stations remain pleasant and livable places.

In this research by design ‘Climate Adaptive Stations', a concrete data analysis for 22 different climate challenges is made of 25 stations in The Netherlands. The challenges appear to differ greatly for each of the stations. The emphasis is on one or more climate challenges, such as drought, heat, flooding, storms or soil subsidence. Using the analysis, a specific climate profile and associated transition path have been created for each station. Every climate challenge is different and requires a different strategy and set of measures. Which options are best per station can be found in the climate transition path. Each station can complete this transition path itself, so this tool is immediately applicable. The climate transition path and an extensive catalog of measures help to achieve a climate-adaptive design for stations and the area around the stations.

Climate Adaptive Stations' is an invitation to railway parties, local and regional authorities, transporters, owners, managers and real estate parties to join forces in planning and investing around stations. The task of designing climate adaptive areas is not only limited to the station itself. By now thinking about climate-robust and pleasant places in urban cities and villages, future spatial quality and residential quality can be guaranteed.

In opdracht van Bureau Spoorbouwmeester, NS en ProRail, design research, climate adaptive, transformation, city development, Flux landscape architecture, 2023